How Long Does It Take To Set Up my Bare Metal Server?

In this article, you will know how to set up a bare-metal server and how long does it takes.

At the moment, Heficed provides Dedicated Servers that are not provisioned automatically. They are provisioned manually due to customs requirements. You can order dedicated servers only by calling our sales team or emailing at

set up bare-metal server

After you order a dedicated server, it might take up to 24-48 hours for the server to be ready, depending on the requirements you present to our sales team. Once the dedicated server is ready, you will receive a confirmation via email from your account manager or from our automated billing system.

During the dedicated server provisioning, the following steps are performed:

  • VLAN configuration
  • OS installation and custom partitioning if specified in the requirements (software RAID1)
  • Routing additional networks if specified in the requirements

Once the provisioning is completed, you can control the server via your Heficed Terminal > Dashboard > Bare Metal > Dedicated Servers.

If you have any additional questions with bare-metal set up please contact our Support team by submitting a ticket via the Terminal.

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